Sunday, July 19, 2015

not my first rodeo

     If you want a good idea of how much I've struggled with my weight - you should check out the other blog I had  (IT'S HERE).  The only reason why I've switched blog sites is two-fold.  A) I have more of a "out with the old and in with the new" attitude about this current journey I'm on, and B) because something went wacky with the previous hosting site for my last blog and it won't allow comments.  So I was feeling really lonely over there.  However, that old blog shows the fight (& the failures) of my previous attempts to lose the weight once and for all. It's a part of me, a part of my past, and it's how I got to where I am now.

     It may take some time for me to get things set up around here and really get going, but I'm hoping to consistently write here.  I love to write and it helps keep me accountable.  

     By the way, I'm on instagram!  I have an account that I use JUST for my weight loss.  If you have an IG account - follow me there:  ww_mcloserpants



  1. Just making sure the comments work. Lookie, lookie! THEY DO!! :)

  2. Hi Julz

    Saw your post in the below thread.

    Just want to say thanks as I found it very interesting. I'm now approaching the final stages, and seeing the difference a few pounds can make is very motivating!

    I have gone from 230 pounds, to 147 in about 1.5 years (with a few months break here and there). I'm a similar height to you, so have about another 7-10 pounds to go..

    How I've done it, was to cut out ALL sugar, and reduced carbs.
    I have mostly been living cod fish fingers haha.

    Anyway, I just want to wish you all the best. :-)
